Unlock Your Global Potential with Strategic Tax Solutions 

Optimise profits, minimize tax stress - Discover expert strategies tailored for digital nomads, online businesses and SMEs

At Tax'nJoy we help real people gain confidence and clarity over their international tax situation and optimize it within the legal framework.


Don't let taxes hold you back. Tax'nJoy is for you if you are:

Hesitant to expand your business due to tax concerns?
Feeling overwhelmed by complex tax laws?
Your international situation is giving you anxiety?
Dealing with complexities related to international transactions?
Lacking the expertise or resources to manage your taxes effectively?
Concerned about penalties or audits due to non-compliance?

Explore our specialised services 

International tax

We optimize your global tax strategy so that you navigate cross-border complexities with confidence

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EU VAT strategy

We craft tailored VAT strategies for your EU operations which minimize tax exposure and maximize efficiency 

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Transfer pricing

We develop strategic transfer pricing solutions while optimising your business model and value creation chain

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Hi, I am Liana, international tax consultant and founder of Tax’nJoy

My career has unfolded over nine years, taking me through the intricate landscapes of international taxation—from the structured world of big4 consulting and global multinationals to the dynamic environment of startups. 

Each step of this journey has contributed to the vision that is now Tax'nJoy: simplifying tax processes and making them accessible to entrepreneurs and businesses of all sizes.




Start taking control of your future with these comprehensive tax guides.

Use your personal tax residency strategically [eBook]

Gain clear understanding of personal tax residency rules as a first step in your tax freedom journey and take control of changing your residency now!

Manage e-commerce EU VAT registrations the smart way! [eBook]

Navigate the complexities of EU VAT registrations with ease! Use these practical tips and expert insights to streamline your VAT registration process for maximum efficiency. 

Tax deductions for Online Business Owners [eBook]

Unlock hidden savings: discover the secrets to maximizing your tax deductions and keeping more money in your pocket as an online business owner.

Book Your Free Discovery

30-Minute call Now!


Take the first step towards tax freedom: schedule your free 30-minute call today and let's tackle your tax worries together. Your journey to global success starts here!